Birleşmeden Sonra Ethereum 26'da Hissedilen 2.0 Milyar Dolara Ne Olacak?


  • 13 Million ETH will be unlocked as soon as Ethereum shifts its algorithm from proof of work to proof of stake.
  • Korpi, a DeFi Omega member and DeFi educator, broke down the possible impact of The Merge and the resulting unlocking of millions of ETH.
  • Ethereum was trading at a market value of $1,972.1, uptrending by 0.11% during the previous 24 hours.

Folks Have To Wait For Their Staked ETH To Be Released

Doğrulandı Ethereum Consensus Layer will be released around August this year.

The much anticipated “The Merge” is here. But there are questions regarding what will happen to ETH price as soon as the ecosystem makes the shift.

Korpi, a Defi Omega member, and a DeFi educator, simplified the influence “The Merge” can shed and the unlocking of millions of ETH.

Korpi highlighted that withdrawals would not be allowed in “The Merge,” as it is a plan for another upgrade in Ethereum, which will be implemented after 6 to 12 months.

Additionally, he said that validators must exit the active validator set to withdraw ETH, but there are restrictions on how many of them can leave per epoch.

Korpi explained that they would offer an exit waitlist that can stretch to several months regarding withdrawals. The release will be slow.

His conclusion for The Merge is that most folks who have staked ETH with validators are potentially ETH maximalists and aren’t willing to sell at present value.

Sıvı Staking

Buna ek olarak, ETH stakers can get access to the liquidity from their staked assets. For investors who aren’t running their validator nodes, getting tokens like bETH in exchange for staking ETH with a validator is common.

The bETH tokens can be traded on the open market, thus releasing liquidity. This means that nonparticipating investors of the validator framework don’t need The Merge to happen to access liquidity in the majority of cases.

If investors desire to cash out their staked assets, they are allowed to sell their bETH assets.

Korpi summarized that he doesn’t think folks will experience any inflated dumping due to ETH unlocked. It will happen in several months, be released steadily, and several stakers won’t be selling. He is bullish on the situation and thinks that ETH will melt faces after The Merge.
