Peter Schiff, yatırımcıları mevcut 'enayi rallisi' sırasında Bitcoin satmaya çağırıyor

Ekonomist ve Bitcoin (BTC) skeptic Peter Schiff has extended his criticisms of the asset, dismissing its recent short-term gains while noting that it’s an opportunity for investors to sell and exit the market. 

ile bir röportaj sırasında konuşan Kitco Haberleri 11 Ağustos'ta Schiff belirtilen Bitcoin'in muhtemelen 10,000 dolara doğru düzeltme yapacağını ve 2021'deki ralli gibi başka bir yüksek seviyeyi yaşama ihtimalinin düşük olduğunu düşünüyoruz. 

According to the chief market strategist of Euro Pacific Asset Management, the broader kripto pazarı gains are not sustainable, terming it a ‘sucker’s rally’.

“The market is going to plunge. I think people should take advantage of the sucker’s rally they’ve got right now and get out. A lot of people still have profits in these tokens. People bought Bitcoin four, five, six years ago, and they have big profits. Same thing with Ethereum (ETH). People should get out, because otherwise, the market’s going to take those profits,” he said.

Crypto market bubble to burst 

He further stressed that the crypto market is in a bubble that will soon burst, and the 2022 correction reflected a massive pompa ve boşaltma. Schiff stated that the market experienced a massive pump following increased crypto promotion, but investors were not looking at the dump. 

Furthermore, Schiff, who recently reached a deal with Puerto Rican authorities to Liquidate his Euro Pacific Bank, called out institutions that invested in Bitcoin, claiming they would regret the move unless they sold. Notably, the involvement of institutions in Bitcoin was vital in driving the market rally in 2021. 

Schiff’s take on MicroStrategy Bitcoin losses

Furthermore, the economist singled out MicroStrategy, stating that the company’s Bitcoin strategy has not worked, as highlighted by the losses incurred. 

He questioned MicroStrategy’s outgoing CEO Michael Saylor for maintaining that the company is making profits from its first Bitcoin haul. Also, Schiff said he is willing to debate Saylor on the company’s Bitcoin adoption strategy. However, he claimed that Saylor has turned down his invitations to debate. 

It is worth noting that by Q2 2022, MicroStrategy’s Bitcoin holdings were valued at almost $2.96 billion, against the acquisition value of $3.975 billion. 

Borç verme platformu gibi çeşitli işletmelerle Selsius için dosyalama iflasSchiff, hisselerin aşırı değerli olduğuna dikkat çekerek MicroStrategy'nin çökme tehlikesiyle karşı karşıya olduğuna inanıyor. 

"Eninde sonunda MicroStrategy hisselerinin fiyatı düşecek ve ilk Bitcoin almaya başladıkları andaki fiyatın çok altında olacak" dedi.

It is worth noting that for 2022 Q2, MicroStrategy rapor quarterly revenue of $122.1 million against expectations of $126 million. The company also recorded a loss of $918.1 million, with $917.8 million attributed to the company’s Bitcoin holdings.

Yasal Uyarı: Bu sitedeki içerikler yatırım tavsiyesi olarak değerlendirilmemelidir. Yatırım spekülatiftir. Yatırım yaparken sermayeniz risk altındadır.
