XDC'nin Plugin Hava Tahmin Düğümü, İklim Veri Modüllerini Blockchain Enstrümanlarıyla Güçlendiriyor

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Vladislav Sopov

Powered by XDC Network’s distributed infrastructure, Plugin Weather Forecast Node changes the narrative in real-world adoption of blockchain tools

With the growing threat of climate change, many industries need precise weather forecasting every hour. The plugin’s blockchain solution provides decentralized, verifiable weather data.

Existing weather information technology is outdated, here’s why

Weather intelligence platforms collect weather-related information from distributed radar and satellite systems. While this is useful for gathering data from remote corners of the globe, it limits the scope of weather forecasts to wider geographic regions, such as cities and states.

These generic weather forecasts do not provide details on how the weather will change in a specific street or neighborhood. But having this type of information empowers businesses to make more informed decisions.

Major industries are seeking advanced weather data solutions

Hava durumu güncellemelerine dayanan en büyük endüstrilerden biri tarım sektörüdür ve hava tahmini ne kadar ayrıntılı olursa o kadar iyidir. Bu bilgiyi dünyanın her yerindeki çiftçilere ulaştırmak zorlu olacaktır, ancak blockchain teknolojisi konuyu kolaylaştırabilir.


İklim değişikliğinin gelecekteki etkileri tarım için daha iyi hava durumu bilgileri gerektirecektir. IPCC chairperson “Hoesung Lee” said, “The next few years will be crucial for the state of climate change in this century. This is why an updated assessment of mitigation is more important than ever.”

Extreme natural phenomena make reliable weather data streams crucial

Many industries, ranging from aviation and agriculture to automobiles and transportation, are significantly affected by weather phenomena like fog, freezing rain, thunderstorms, heavy wind or even a drop in temperature.

The present increase in extreme weather events, accelerated by climate change, is significantly increasing the importance of detailed weather data from trustable systems.

Blockchain technologies reconsider weather data management

With every industry getting disrupted by the new technology, blockchain wins over competitors by offering immutability, trust, security and decentralization. Putting weather data at a granular level on the blockchain powers many use cases with real-time data at the push of a button.

The alternative is a centralized data structure, which is vulnerable to malicious attacks and systematic errors.

XDC'ler Plugin Decentralized Oracle Network offers support here.

Plugin Weather Forecast Node (Plugin WFN) addresses weather data problem

Fişe takmak, a decentralized oracle built on the XDC Network offers decentralized weather data. This data gets collected and processed through registered weather stations (hyperlocal sensors) placed in different places worldwide.

Bu düğümlerden gelen hava durumu verileri, gerçek zamanlıya yakın bir hızda toplanıp işleniyor ve bir veri gölüne aktarılıyor. Bu, dünya genelinde benzer birimler kurularak büyük bir veri gölü oluşturularak büyük ölçüde ölçeklendirilebilir.

The information collected in Data Lake is at a granular level. Each weather unit has latitude and longitude coordinates tagged with data. This provides weather information that is cryptographically signed when uploaded to the Plugin blockchain, so anyone who needs weather information for a smart contract can verify its provenance. The provenance information cannot be forged or falsified.

Plugin WFN data providers are duly compensated by Plugin for providing important fuel for the future: weather data. There are periodic checks performed at registered weather nodes as a measure of quality.

Due to climate change-induced extreme weather phenomena, such weather data is needed for validation and verification of crop insurance claims, which offer payouts when specific conditions are met. It can also be used by commodities investors hedging against drought or even logistics companies to re-route their cargo on land when unfavorable weather conditions persist.

From data streams to novel economy

The Plugin Weather Forecast Node uses a case setup by Plugin on the XDC Network and brings data from various regions around the globe at a granular level. Through efficient data processing from various units across the globe, Plugin’s data lake will build a new economy in the future, decentralized world.

Using the decentralized application UI, users can get real-time or near real-time data from weather units currently deployed across the region. By selecting “Country,” “State,” and “City,” users can view the data at the latitude/longitude level. More filters can be enabled to drill down to the granular level.

This data can be pushed onto the blockchain using smart contracts, and events can be triggered to make insightful decisions.

Plugin Weather Forecast Node is currently open to community members. In the near future, it will improve the efficiency of many industries, including agriculture, aviation and insurance.

Plugin (ticker PLI) is listed on various crypto exchanges such as Bitrue, Liquid, HitBTC and Globiance.

Source: https://u.today/plugin-weather-forecast-node-by-xdc-supercharges-climate-data-modules-with-blockchain-instruments