DeFi topluluğu tarafından hangi merkezi olmayan finans yenilikleri bekleniyor?

While the broader crypto market is on a downward spiral and social media is plagued with fears and complaints, some are choosing to focus on the decentralized finance (DeFi) space’s potential for the future. 

Bir DeFi alt dizisinde Redditor Popular_Rub9075 sordu community members what they want to see more of in the DeFi space. According to the Redditor, while negative discussions are prevalent in social channels, a “great time” to look into projects that have potential is when the market is down.

Konuya yanıt olarak Reddit kullanıcısı Crumbedsausage şuraya that he wishes to see more Liquid Ether (ETH) staking projects that are non-custodial. In addition, the Redditor said that being able to run an Ethereum node with “1 ETH or less” may be good for decentralization and provide realistic annual percentage yields.

Apart from this, another user, called Geistirnd, noted that they Inanmak in the potential of DeFi projects that are focused on privacy. According to the Redditor, providing more privacy options for DeFi users will be a catalyst for the “wider adoption of DeFi.” On the other hand, one of the participants in the thread also getirdi up yield making, pointing out that everyone wants new ways to “make some gains.”

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Meanwhile, Binance Labs has announced that it will launch the fifth iteration of its Most Valuable Builder (MVB) program, its incubation platform that yeni DeFi projelerini destekliyor. MVB'nin beşinci turu, Binance Labs ve BNB Chain arasındaki ortak bir çalışmadır.

In other news, Bitfrost, a decentralized cross-chain liquidity provider, launched an updated Slot Liquidity Auction Protocol Cuma gününde. Bu protokol ile proje, stake edilen tokenlar karşılığında likit türev tokenlar sağlıyor. Bu tokenlar DeFi genelinde kullanılabilir ve böylece coinlerini stake eden kullanıcılar için fırsat maliyeti ortadan kalkar.