Vasil Hardfork'tan Sonra Neler Beklenir –

According to Charles Hoskinson and Input Output Hong Kong Global, Cardano tamamlandı the first phase of the Vasil upgrade early morning Friday. Hoskinson had said the automatic process to upgrade Cardano to the Vasil era has begun. “Everyone is going to relax and watch the Vasil rocket launch. It’s now in the air. It’s been started,” he stated. ADA’s price has risen about 5% in the last 24 hours.

How Does the Cardano Vasil Hard Fork Work?

After months of suspense, the hard fork’s integration is now ongoing. For several technical factors, Hoskinson adds, some of the Vasil sert çatal enhancements will go into effect on September 27.

The hard fork may alter mining incentives, transaction costs, and the rate and scope of transaction validation on its blockchain. It can also assist in enhancing performance, introducing new features, and closing security gaps in its procedure.

The Vasil hardfork, the Cardano platform’s second major update, concentrates on enhancing connection and entire system resilience. Cardano’s eagerly awaited incorporation of intelligent contract functionalities was made possible by the Alonzo hard fork, the first Cardano sert çatal that went online on September 12, 2021.

Dikemba Balogu of Genius Yield, a project on Cardano, gave the following insight on the Vasil upgrade:

“Vasil Sert Çatal merkezli Cardano'daki yaklaşan güncellemeler, şimdiye kadarki en etkili güncellemelerden birini temsil ediyor. Yayılma ardışık düzeni, başvuru girdileri, başvuru komut dosyaları ve diğer iyileştirmeler ölçeklenebilirliği iyileştirecek, işlem işleme süresini artıracak ve komut dosyası boyutunu azaltacaktır. Bu güncellemeler birlikte Cardano'nun performansını ve işlevselliğini artırarak geliştiricilerin kullanıcılar için işlem maliyetlerini düşürürken daha karmaşık dApp'ler oluşturmasına olanak tanır."

Features of The Vasil Hard Fork’s Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIP)

The improvement aims to introduce five essential components that will enhance the functionality of the Cardano blockchain.

CIP-31; Reference Inputs

As the name implies, a reference input would enable viewing an output without choosing to spend it, and that is what Cardano hopes to do with CIP-31. This is done to obtain information that has been kept on the system in the future without being concerned about the volatility that comes with spending and creating new UTXOs.

In terms of use cases, one may provide the example of examining an on-chain app’s state without going to consume its result (for instance, checking the current state of a stablecoin state machine.)

CIP-32; Inline Datums

The nesnel of this program is to make it possible for datums to be connected to outcomes rather than to datum hashes. The goal is to make it easier and faster for users to communicate data values.

The Cardano team anticipates that this functionality will be utilized widely by DApp programcıları as it will significantly improve the general view of their platforms.

The primary goal of CIP-32 is to theoretically simplify the scenario when outputs are conceptually related to data.

CIP-33; Reference Scripts

The Cardano Improvement Proposal 33 proposes enabling scripts to fulfil script criteria through testing rather than necessitating spending transactions. Reference scripts can be linked to outcomes and used to fulfil script needs.

CIP-40; Collateral Outputs

This one includes a label kind of transaction output known as Collateral Deliverables. More specifications about it may be found okuyun, and it tries to enhance the platform’s overall resilience.

Decentralized Pipelining

Cardano'nun anlaşması layer scaling method is another name for this. To allow them to occur concurrently, the enhancement suggestion tries to overlap some of the stages a block must go through as it advances throughout the chain.
