Ethereum Birleştirme? Vitalik Buterin, 'Dalgalanma, Sınır, Arınma ve Savurma'ya Hazır Olun Diyor

Vitalik Buterin wants you to know that Ethereum is just 40% complete—and there’s plenty more coming after the “merge.” 

At the Ethereum Community Conference in France Thursday, the Ethereum co-founder Paylaşılan his vision for future developments well beyond the network’s move to hissesini kanıtı. In fact, the move—often referred to as “birleştirme,” because it will combine the Ethereum mainnet with the proof-of-stake beacon chain—is just the first in a series of planned upgrades.

And, to top it all off, Buterin has even given each of those planned upgrades rhyming names. Seriously.

Buterin, birleşmenin çok yakın olduğuna inanıyor çünkü "geriye kalan tek şey birleşmeyi gerçekleştirmek" Ropsten [test ağı]”, konferansta Ethereum'un daha sonra "dalgalanma", "sınır", "tasfiye" ve "savurganlık" olarak adlandırdığı başka yükseltmelerden geçeceğini söyledi.

While it might sound like the title of a “Rick and Morty” episode, the surge, verge, purge, and splurge are actually key parts of Ethereum’s scaling, cleanup, and evolution, Buterin said. 

Bitcoin savunucuları düşünüyor Bitcoin to be 80% complete, Buterin argued, but said Ethereum supporters believe Ethereum is just 40% complete. After the merge, which is expected to be completed bu eylül, Ethereum will still only be roughly 55% complete, he said.

Buterin, planlanan "derin değişikliklerin" nedeni olarak Ethereum'u daha güçlü ve sağlam bir ağ haline getirme arzusunu gösterdi. 

Artış, bir ölçeklendirme çözümü olan Ethereum parçalamanın eklenmesini ifade ediyor. Ethereum Vakfı iddiaları Ayrıca ucuz katman-2 blok zincirlerini etkinleştirecek, toplama veya paket işlemlerin maliyetini düşürecek ve kullanıcıların Ethereum ağını güvence altına alan düğümleri çalıştırmasını kolaylaştıracak. Buterin ayrıca yükseliş tamamlandığında Ethereum ağının işlemleri daha hızlı gerçekleştireceğini de söyledi.

“Ethereum today can process about 15-20 transactions a second. Bu Ethereum including the rollups, including the sharding […] it’s going to be able to process 100,000 transactions a second,” Buterin said.

The verge will implement what Buterin calls “Verkle ağaçları” (a type of mathematical proof) and “stateless clients.” These technical upgrades will allow users to become network validators without having to store extensive amounts of data on their machines. In a proof-of-stake network, validators with locked-up or “bahis” ETH confirm and verify transactions. In Buterin’s view, the verge will be “great for decentralization.”

The purge—while its name evokes the 2013 horror movie where one night a year, all crime is legal—will involve a purge of old network history (not people). 

“The purge: trying to actually cut down the amount of space you have to have on your hard drive, trying to simplify the Ethereum protocol over time and not requiring nodes to store history,” Buterin said of the phase.

And the splurge? 

It’s “all of the other fun stuff.” 

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