zK EVM: Ethereum Blockchain için Gizliliği Koruyan Çözüm

  • EVM enables developers to build privacy-preserving dApps.

In the world of blockchain, privacy and security are two of the most critical aspects that developers and users alike must consider. Ethereum, the world’s second-largest blockchain platform, is no exception. This is where zK EVM comes into play, offering a privacy-preserving solution for Ethereum developers.

It enables developers to create secure, private, and scalable applications on the Ethereum blockchain. ZK-EVM is being used in a number of projects, including Zcash, Aztec Protocol, StarkWare Industries, and Enigma Protocol.

zK EVM, short for zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine, is a fork of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) that enables developers to build privacy-preserving decentralized applications (dApps) on top of the Ethereum blockchain.

It utilizes zero-knowledge proofs (zk-proofs) to keep user data and transactions private, making it a significant breakthrough in the blockchain industry.

Some of the key features of zK EVM include:

Privacy-preserving: zk-proofs enable zK EVM to keep user data and transactions private, ensuring that sensitive information is not exposed to third-party entities.

Interoperability: zK EVM is compatible with existing Ethereum tools, such as wallets and other dApps.

Scalability: zK EVM is designed to scale efficiently, making it an ideal solution for developers building large-scale applications.

Low-cost: Since zK EVM reduces the need for expensive gas fees, it makes it an affordable option for developers and users alike.

Several projects have already started building on zK EVM

ZKSwap: A Layer 2 decentralized exchange (DEX) that uses zk-rollups to provide fast and cheap transactions. It allows users to swap tokens with low fees and provides liquidity incentives for liquidity providers.

DODO DEX: Another Layer 2 DEX that uses zk-rollups to provide fast and cheap trading. It offers a unique feature called Proactive Market Making (PMM), which helps maintain a stable price for the traded assets.

ZkSync: A Layer 2 scaling solution that uses zk-rollups to increase the throughput of Ethereum transactions. It offers fast and cheap transfers of ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens, making it an ideal solution for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.

Aztec Protocol: A privacy-focused Layer 2 scaling solution that uses zk-snarks to enable private transactions on Ethereum. It allows users to mint and trade private assets without revealing any information about them.

Zcash is a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that uses zero-knowledge proofs to ensure transactions remain private. The Aztec Protocol is an open source protocol for creating private financial applications on Ethereum. 

StarkWare Industries is a company that specializes in developing zero-knowledge proof systems for enterprise applications. Finally, Enigma Protocol is a decentralized platform for secure computation that uses zero-knowledge proofs to protect data privacy.


The introduction of zK EVM offers a practical solution to privacy and scalability. Issues that have been plaguing blockchain networks for years. With more projects already building on top of zK EVM, we can expect to see a more robust and secure blockchain ecosystem in the future.

Nancy J Allen
Nancy J. Allen'ın son gönderileri (Tümü)

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/03/08/zk-evm-the-privacy-preserving-solution-for-ethereum-blockchain/