ConsenSys, zkEVM özel beta test ağını kullanıma sunuyor

Web3 ecosystem developer ConsenSys açıkladı its zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine (zkEVM) network for private beta testing via a blog post on Dec. 13. Designed and operated by ConsenSys, developers can deploy and manage decentralized applications using tools such as MetaMask, Truffle and Infura as if they were using the EVM directly. In addition, users can bridge assets between the Goerli testnet and the zkEVM to test their smart contracts and decentralized applications, or DApps. 

"Testnet katılımcıları ayrıca belirteçler arasında köprü kurabilir, belirteçleri aktarabilir ve yaklaşan ekosistem portalı sayfamızda listelenen konuşlandırılmış dApp'lerle etkileşim kurabilir. zkEVM'nin geliştirici deneyiminin Web3'te yeniliği hızlandırma potansiyeline sahip olup olmadığını öğrenmeyi amaçlıyoruz ve bir sonraki adımımızı bilgilendirmek için topluluktan gelen geri bildirimleri değerlendireceğiz."

For years, ConsenSys has been working to wrap EVM computation in zero-knowledge proofs to create a zkEVM, as opposed to creating zk-Rollups on networks separate from the EVM. Zero-knowledge technology verifies transactions on a separate layer and sends computation back to Ethereum without sending back the entire data. By simply providing proof that everything was correctly computed on layer 2 and putting a succinct proof back to the blockchain, Ethereum developers estimate that rollup solutions such as Optimism can increase scalability by upward of 100x.

User onboarding for the new ConsenSys zkEVM will begin in January 2023. ConsenSys said there are currently no details regarding how early testers will be rewarded or if there will be a newly issued token tied to the zkEVM.